Dotted and dotless I in Turkish & Azerbaijani, etc.

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Dotted and dotless I in Turkish & Azerbaijani, etc.

Post by dfhtextpipe »

Please first read this article.

Languages such as Turkish and Northern Azeri have both dotted and dotless letter I in their Latin-based alphabets.

This has implications for letter case.
Such alphabets break the familiar case relationship between uppercase I and lowercase i.
Instead they have as a upper and lower case pairs:
  • I and ı
    İ and i
For TextPipe filters which have as an option 'use case sensitive', this has practical implications. Have they been thought about?
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Re: Dotted and dotless I in Turkish & Azerbaijani, etc.

Post by DataMystic Support »

It has not been addressed.

The character casing routines do take into account the current locale, so if Microsoft has coded this correctly, this will work for a computer in Turkey or Azerbaijan.
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