Sort after merge?

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Sort after merge?

Post by dfhtextpipe »

Suppose you want to extract a specified pattern out of several input files, merge the outputs to a single text file, and sort afterwards.

Can this be done by a single TextPipe filter?

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Re: Sort after merge?

Post by DataMystic Support »

Easily - just use Filters\Special\Secondary output filter after the extract, and follow it with a sort.
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Re: Sort after merge?

Post by dfhtextpipe »


I can't find such a thing under Filters\Special
and the help file does not say that it's one of those features only available in TextPipe Pro.

The help page merely reads
Found under Filters\Special

A Secondary Output Filter behaves just like an Output Filter, but can be used anywhere in the filter list.
It's purpose is to take a restricted set of output (e.g matching lines, non-matching lines etc) and send it to a new file.
It is also commonly used to match records from the Mainframe Copybook Wizard and send them to a new file.
Commonly, this filter is followed by a Remove All filter to prevent the output re-entering the text stream.
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Re: Sort after merge?

Post by DataMystic Support »

Hmm, my understanding was that it was in Standard - I will check it out.
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Re: Sort after merge?

Post by dfhtextpipe »

Hello Simon,

Why is it that some filters available only for TextPipe Pro are visible & selectable in TextPipe Standard?
e.g. Restrict to Matching lines (grep).

You only get to find out when you either consult the contextual help for the selected filter, or when you try to start the main filter.

Sometimes, the contextual help is misleading, in that it fails to indicate that the selected filter is only available in Pro.

And in this case, even you were not sure why the particular filter was not actually visible.

Maybe the available filters pane needs to change "design philosophy".

i.e. Display all available filters, but for Standard, grey out those only usable in Pro, and for Lite, grey out those only usable in Standard and Pro.
You could even provide mouseover tooltips for greyed out filters, to indicate why they are greyed out.

Best regards,
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Re: Sort after merge?

Post by DataMystic Support »

Hi David,

Over time, more filters have moved from Pro into Standard.

The help file has not been updated at the same time to reflect this.

The Lite version does not show the extra filters, because the idea was to simplify the interface, but perhaps it could be done by moving all those items to the end of the menus.
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