Trial vs Actual output problem

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Trial vs Actual output problem

Post by Houston »

I imagine this a face-palm type of fix but I am having trouble getting my output to work correctly. I have a list of .mhtml files that I'm processing the source code for and the trial output comes out fine. When I do an actual run of the .mhtml and output to a .txt, the result is garbled and a good number of my lines are gone or have partially converted to the value "=" or "= 20". I notice when I remove the html to text filter my values and lines return (as well as the html). Will I have to manually remove the html myself or does the problem lie somewhere else?
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Re: Trial vs Actual output problem

Post by DataMystic Support »

Most likely your file on disk does not have windows eol characters. At the top of your filter list, add a
Filters\Convert\End of line characters
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Re: Trial vs Actual output problem

Post by Houston »

No luck there. I'm thinking I'm going to have to do it manually.
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Re: Trial vs Actual output problem

Post by DataMystic Support »

Or that your file is not in ANSI encoding as you expect - possibly UTF-8 or another form of Unicode.

Please upload the file and filter to the forum so we can see the issue first-hand.
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Re: Trial vs Actual output problem

Post by Houston »

I can't attach the files because it's not allowed on the forums...
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Re: Trial vs Actual output problem

Post by DataMystic Support »

Please zip them first.
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Re: Trial vs Actual output problem

Post by Houston »


EDIT: Added the output as well.
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Re: Trial vs Actual output problem

Post by DataMystic Support »

I saved your trial run area to a text file, and the compared it to Forward Resume Email - CareerBuilder_com.mht.

The files are completely different - the .mht has email headers, spaces and = are sometimes encoded as =20 and =3D etc.
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