Automating conversion of RTF files to Unicode using WordPad?

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Automating conversion of RTF files to Unicode using WordPad?

Post by dfhtextpipe »

Suppose I have a large number (e.g. 66) of RTF files in the same folder, and I wish to automate their conversion from RTF to Unicode.

Is it feasible to use TextPipe to call WordPad to open each file in turn and save as Unicode?

Normally when this step is performed manually, Wordpad gives a popup dialog to warn the user that formating will be lost.
See attached image.

Wordpad popup dialog
Wordpad popup dialog
WordPadSaveAsDialog.png (34.19 KiB) Viewed 6821 times
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Re: Automating conversion of RTF files to Unicode using Word

Post by DataMystic Support »

Why not use Filters\Convert\Word documents to text ?

Just check the Unicode output option.
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Re: Automating conversion of RTF files to Unicode using Word

Post by dfhtextpipe »

Dear Simon,

Thanks for the suggestion, but I have only TextPipe Standard and that filter is listed in Help as

Found under Filters\Convert (Pro version only)

despite the fact that it is not greyed out in the All Available Filters panel.

Is this another instance where the help file is "telling porkies" ?

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Re: Automating conversion of RTF files to Unicode using Word

Post by dfhtextpipe »

The Help file states also,
This filter requires Microsoft Word 98 or higher to be installed. If you wish to convert documents other than the default .DOC files, you may also need to install Word's conversion filters. If Word cannot be started automatically TextPipe will prompt you to start it manually before continuing.
Before trying TextPipe, I just examined what Word 2007 does when saving as Plain Text. I selected Unicode as the Encoding.

When Insert line breaks is ticked, lines are wrapped to the [default] margin, but tabs are preserved. Happy.
When Insert line breaks is unticked, lines are not wrapped, but tabs are replaced by a single space! Unhappy.

There is nothing in Word 2007 to suggest that tabs should be affected like this. Most annoying.

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Re: Automating conversion of RTF files to Unicode using Word

Post by dfhtextpipe »

The TextPipe help file was correct - it's only in Pro.

So why is this filter not greyed out?

TextPipe Standard popup
TextPipe Standard popup
TP_std_popup.png (33.74 KiB) Viewed 6811 times
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Re: Automating conversion of RTF files to Unicode using Word

Post by DataMystic Support »

Hi David,

I will migrate the Convert Word/Excel/PDF filters to the Standard version and update the docy.
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Re: Automating conversion of RTF files to Unicode using Word

Post by dfhtextpipe »


I look forward to getting the new release when it comes.

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