TextPipe 9.0 - do you get this problem?

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TextPipe 9.0 - do you get this problem?

Post by DataMystic Support »

We have one user who is running Windows 7 x64, and when they right-click the desktop, Windows Explorer crashes, and blames our contmenu64.dll.

Does anyone else get the same issue?

We can't reproduce it here. So far this is an isolated report, but if we get more occurrences then we will definitely dive in.
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Re: TextPipe 9.0 - do you get this problem?

Post by dfhtextpipe »

I'm using Windows 7 64 bit, and I never encountered this symptom.

Has the user tried it with all other applications closed?
Has the user tried re-installing TextPipe?

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Re: TextPipe 9.0 - do you get this problem?

Post by DataMystic Support »

Will ask. I am fairly confident that this is from another app, but since I didn't write the x64 DLL, can't be 100% sure.
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Re: TextPipe 9.0 - do you get this problem?

Post by r47sSWO6 »

I just got the same with v9.1 after installing the newest Microsoft Updates today.

Windows Explorer just crash each Time a Menu is called where Shell Extensions are shown,
and the TextPipe Shell Extensions are the only ones on this System,
its a new freshly installed System, so its 100% contmenu64.dll causing the Error.

I now copied Textpipe over to another Directory and the uninstalled it to remove
the contmenu64.dll Shell Extensions and then copied the prior backuped TextPipe
back without installing it, now everything works, but of course without Shell Extensions.

So please provide an Option to Disable the Shellextensions from TextPipe from a Menu
and/or fix contmenu64.dll so that it works again.

After investigating a bit i found that the DLL can't import 4 Functions from Kernel32.dll which should not happen if coded right,
and this is also probably causing the Problem. Perhaps it has been compiled for XP x64 or on Vista, but not for Windows 7, and
now it can't import the Functions correctly because Kernel32 is different. Also its quite possible that a old version was packaged
into the Setup, don't know but could be possible, the Date of the contmenu.dll is newer than contmenu64.dll.

For now only Solution till fixed is to completely remove the TextPipe Shell Extension's.
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Re: TextPipe 9.0 - do you get this problem?

Post by dfhtextpipe »

It must be something else!

I'm using TextPipe Standard 9.1 Windows shell extensions in my Windows 7 64-bit machine without any such issues.
I make regular use of the TextPipe shell extensions, with a considerable number of my own added to the table.

The directory
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\DataMystic\TextPipe
contains the file contmenu64.dll version
  • C:\Windows\SysWOW64
contains kernel32.dll version 6.1.7601.17651 dated 2011-07-16.

Best regards,

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Re: TextPipe 9.0 - do you get this problem?

Post by dfhtextpipe »

I don't know how useful this free utility might be, yet it's worth knowing about.


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Re: TextPipe 9.0 - do you get this problem?

Post by DataMystic Support »

It sounds like the user is not running as admin - because the x64 extension works fine for some people, and I know that while the x32 extension gets registered by the installer, the x64 extension gets registered on first use.

This might explain the problem. Can you confirm if you are running as admin?
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Re: TextPipe 9.0 - do you get this problem?

Post by r47sSWO6 »

I installed it as Admin, so this is certainly not the Issue.

Also the directory

C:\Program Files (x86)\DataMystic\TextPipe

contains the file contmenu64.dll version
SHA1: f03c9ed11ef803354f3190af80399418221ee5e1


contains kernel32.dll version 6.1.7601.17651 dated 2012-05-12
SHA1: 754e133c87fd29a1432a7af8ab8c69f244eb7d99

DLL-Dependency Test of contmenu64.dll shows Error (missing Functions in implicit Load DLL) importing following Functions of Kernel32.dll:


Also contmenu64.dll seems to compiled for AMD64 (K8) while all other are compiled for i368 and compatible, but i have an Intel Core i7, should not matter but who knows...
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Re: TextPipe 9.0 - do you get this problem?

Post by DataMystic Support »

Explorer Extension now working fine in TP 9.2.2.
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