Export and import a filter for change

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Export and import a filter for change

Post by shveicar980 »

Hello, I am from Russia.
I have got a problem. There is a big filter
"text pipe". It consists of 50 groups of individual filters. In each of them present the same value "(<a)".How can I to edit all the groups at once to remove this valuein all filters. I have tried so: export the filter into the notpad, editing in Akepad with conservation in expanding (.fll) - as a result writes "invalid stream format" at the opening of the filter. I did not find the import option. Manually to change the values in each filter - very uncomfortable.
I have not found the answer to the Russian-speaking forum.
I hope for your help. Thank you.
Last edited by shveicar980 on Wed May 02, 2012 7:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Export and import a filter for change

Post by DataMystic Support »

File Menu\Export\Export to JScript

Make the changes to the .js file, then uncomment

Code: Select all

'Uncomment the following line to load the filter
'  vb_load_filter()
'Uncomment the following line to generate the filter
'  vb_generate_filter()   <---- uncomment this line
Run the .js, and the filter will be recreated!
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Re: Export and import a filter for change

Post by shveicar980 »

Thank you for your previous answer, but unfortunately I was unable to make changes to the filter
Perhaps it is because of the small experience with scripts.
In applying the script - open a window with different errors.
Here is an example of my mini-filter (name.fll), creation after export in the "js file".

Code: Select all

// TextPipe Pro 9.0 Single User Edition

// This JScript code was generated by TextPipe Pro -
// the fastest search and replace tool on the planet
//   Download from: http://www.datamystic.com

//The global TextPipe Application object
var TextPipeApp;
//The global TextPipe Filter Window
var TPWindow;

//connect to TextPipe if we haven't already
function js_connectTextPipe() {

  try {
    if (TextPipeApp == null) {
      TextPipeApp = new ActiveXObject("TextPipe.Application");
  catch(e) {
    MsgBox( "TextPipe Pro is not installed.\n\n" +
      "Please download and install it from\n" +
      48 + 0,
      "TextPipe Pro needs to be installed" );
  TPWindow = TextPipeApp.newWindow();


//disconnect from TextPipe
function js_disconnectTextPipe() {

  TPWindow = null;


// 1) Use this code to simply load the saved filter:

function js_load_filter() {

  TPWindow.openFilter( "G:\\170\\name.fll" );
  if (TPWindow.execute() == false) MsgBox( 'ERROR \r\n' + TPWindow.errorText() );


// 2) Use this code to build the filter from scratch, from a web page,
//    ASP script, .vbs file etc.

function js_build_filter( TPWindow ) {

var f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6;

TPWindow.logEnabled = false;
TPWindow.logFilename = "textpipe.log";
TPWindow.logAppend = true;
TPWindow.logThreshold = 500;
TPWindow.inputMode = 1;
TPWindow.inputBinaryFiles = 1;
TPWindow.inputBinarySampleSize = 100;
TPWindow.inputPromptOnEach = false;
TPWindow.inputPromptOnReadOnly = false;
TPWindow.inputDeleteFiles = false;
TPWindow.inputInsideCompressed = false;
f1 = TPWindow.addReplaceFilter( "<a href=\"_/([^\"]+).htm", "<a href=\"1/$1.htm", 4, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, 0 );
f1 = TPWindow.setPerl( 4096, false, false, true, false );
f1 = TPWindow.addReplaceFilter( "<a href=\"__/([^\"]+).htm", "<a href=\"2/$1.htm", 4, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, 0 );
f1 = TPWindow.setPerl( 4096, false, false, true, false );
f1 = TPWindow.addReplaceFilter( "<a href=\"___/([^\"]+).htm", "<a href=\"3/$1.htm", 4, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, 0 );
f1 = TPWindow.setPerl( 4096, false, false, true, false );
f1 = TPWindow.addCommentFilter( "Comments\r\n\r\n" );
TPWindow.outputMode = 1;
TPWindow.outputRetainDate = false;
TPWindow.outputTestMode = 2;
TPWindow.outputAppend = false;
TPWindow.outputOnlyOutputChangedFiles = 1;
TPWindow.outputOpenOutputOnCompletion = false;
TPWindow.outputExtension = "";
TPWindow.outputFolder = "";
TPWindow.outputRemoveEmpty = false;

//File List:
TPWindow.addFile( "", 0, 1 );
TPWindow.addFile( "Use the line below to remove common non-text files from website processing", 0, 3 );
TPWindow.addFile( ".[ 'gif' or 'png' or 'jpg' or 'bmp' or 'avi' or 'ico' or 'mp3', lineEnd ]", 0, 5 );
TPWindow.addFile( "Use the line below to remove common non-text folders from website processing", 0, 3 );
TPWindow.addFile( "_vti", 0, 5 );
TPWindow.addFile( "", 0, 1 );
TPWindow.addFile( "", 0, 1 );


function js_generate_filter() {

  js_build_filter( TPWindow );
  if (TPWindow.execute() == false) MsgBox( 'ERROR \r\n' + TPWindow.errorText() );


// 3) Use this code to build the filter from scratch and process a form field

function js_filter_string() {

  js_build_filter( TPWindow );
  form1.output.value = TPWindow.processString( form1.input.value );


//Uncomment the following line to load the filter
//  js_load_filter()
//Uncomment the following line to generate the filter
//  js_generate_filter()
It is specifically reduced to three components of filters, so as not to hold a lot of space.Please explain what I need to change, so I after saving, and
run the script I got the same filter
name1.fll name next to the original (name.fll)
Thank you very much.
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Re: Export and import a filter for change

Post by DataMystic Support »

These are the lines you need to change:

Code: Select all

f1 = TPWindow.addReplaceFilter( "<a href=\"_/([^\"]+).htm", "<a href=\"1/$1.htm", 4, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, 0 );
The '<a href...' is the start of the string you need to change.

Once done, change the end of the script from:

Code: Select all

//Uncomment the following line to load the filter
//  js_load_filter()
//Uncomment the following line to generate the filter
//  js_generate_filter()

Code: Select all

//Uncomment the following line to load the filter
//  js_load_filter()
//Uncomment the following line to generate the filter
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Re: Export and import a filter for change

Post by shveicar980 »

Thank you very much for your help.
My problem was in the use of Portable version TextPipe
The way specified by you does not work in portable form.
I hope future versions will be able to import filter from a text file.
It would be convenient.
Thank you for the excellent program.
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Re: Export and import a filter for change

Post by DataMystic Support »

Ah - where did you get the Portable version from? And what version is it?
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Re: Export and import a filter for change

Post by shveicar980 »

I made a portable version from a stationary version of the program (I did it on a virtual machine) for my own convenience.This version is fully functional.But the portable version has its own independent registry.And the script uses the registry of windows to convert the filter.
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Re: Export and import a filter for change

Post by DataMystic Support »

Can I ask you more about that?

How does TP have a registry independent from the rest of Windows?
And how does the .js script rely on the Windows registry?
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Re: Export and import a filter for change

Post by shveicar980 »

I think we should not consider the detailed aspects of win xp and its components here.
I can only say that the phrase has been specified in the vbs script to convert the filter

Code: Select all

Set vb_TextPipeApp = CreateObject("TextPipe.Application")
it requires a stationary version of the program.
In other words:so that the object was available, a library, it implements must be registered in the register of the local system.
I have not found other solutions yet.
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Re: Export and import a filter for change

Post by dfhtextpipe »


As an observer of the context for this issue, and knowing a number of people who live in countries where such an edition would be most valuable, may I encourage you to develop and release a portable edition of TextPipe, one which can run from a USB thumb drive, and which leaves behind no footprint in the host PC.

In this way, a registered user of TextPipe would be free to use the software in places such as an Internet Café or a Library with PCs available for users, etc.

For more background - please visit http://portableapps.com/.

Best regards,

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Re: Export and import a filter for change

Post by DataMystic Support »

Thanks David - will definitely look into.

For the user above, I don't think TextPipe can be run in this manner 'registry free' - the registration must be done by an admin first.
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