Cannot find conversion filter

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Cannot find conversion filter

Post by dfhtextpipe »

Using the Windows Shell, I just tried running the supplied filter called Convert to Unix end of lines.

It couldn't find the filter. See attached error message.
TextPipe error
TextPipe error
I just looked in that path. There is no folder called conversions.
Moreover, I have no recollection of deleting such a folder or similar.

My PC has Windows 7 (64-bit).

I guess these and other DataMystic supplied filters may either have been installed somewhere else than the program expects to find them, or simply not installed.
More likely the latter, as so far, I've not been successful in locating them.

Perhaps this feature was simply overlooked when TextPipe was adapted for Windows 7 ?
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Re: Cannot find conversion filter

Post by DataMystic Support »

Thanks, these are now stored in My Documents\DataMystic\TextPipe\conversions - we will update the installer.
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Re: Cannot find conversion filter

Post by dfhtextpipe »

I hope that fix can be included in version 9.5

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Re: Cannot find conversion filter

Post by DataMystic Support »

Hi David - yes, it is done and ready, hopefully today!
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