Suggestion for Preferences - Play sound upon error

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Suggestion for Preferences - Play sound upon error

Post by dfhtextpipe »

Edit | Preferences already includes a tick box option to play sound upon completion.

Suggestion: Option to play a different sound to alert the user to a critical error.
i.e. One where the status includes a red highlighted line.

Suggestion: Ensure that the existing sound upon completion also applies to Process Trial Run text.

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Re: Suggestion for Preferences - Play sound upon error

Post by DataMystic Support »

Suggestion: Ensure that the existing sound upon completion also applies to Process Trial Run text.
- how about only when it takes longer than 30 seconds to process? The reason this was not done originally is because it was too annoying.
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Re: Suggestion for Preferences - Play sound upon error

Post by dfhtextpipe »

Or even after a user specified preference setting for the time before a different sound is played for critical errors.

A default value of 30 seconds would be acceptable.

It makes good sense to prevent the sound merely when no input file has been found.
Yet this would be covered by the time delay suggestion.
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