Access violation at address 003088F2

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Access violation at address 003088F2

Post by dfhtextpipe »

There seems to be a new software bug in TextPipe v9.7.1 when using the restrict to filenames matching perl pattern filter.

It's easy to reproduce the fault. See example filter

Code: Select all

|  Test restrict to filename filter
+--Restrict to filenames matching perl pattern [^(.+)usfm$]
   +--Display debug window
NB. The subfilter (Display debug window) was chosen purely for illustration.
This results in a popup error message as follows:
popup error message
popup error message
This error did not occur with an earlier version of TextPipe that I was using on June 16, 2014 when I was using the same perl pattern.

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Re: Access violation at address 003088F2

Post by dfhtextpipe »

OK - I just installed TextPipe Standard version 9.7.3 and tested again. The bug has already been solved.

Best regards,

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Re: Access violation at address 003088F2

Post by DataMystic Support »

Thanks David!
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