Repeat Subfilters X Times

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Repeat Subfilters X Times

Post by dfhtextpipe »

The name of this filter is misleading.

The word Repeat implies that you've already done something, and you do it again.

Thus, if the GUI obeyed normal English semantics, setting the number to 1 would imply doing the subfilters twice!
See what I mean?

Can you think of a better name for this filter ? e.g. Run Subfilters X Times

Moreover, the main display pane for this filter has only the numeric control, with no legend.
It would make good sense to move the brief description from the Help page to this pane.
After all, there's plenty of room in that sea of greyness.

Best regards,

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Re: Repeat Subfilters X Times

Post by DataMystic Support »

Yes, clearing this up is another good idea!
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