MS Word-style pattern works in Word 2016, not TextPipe v9.9.

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MS Word-style pattern works in Word 2016, not TextPipe v9.9.

Post by apportum »

This pattern works fine in Word 2016, but not at all in TextPipe v9.9:

\<html\>\<head\>\<title\>*\<CENTER\>\<B\>\<FONT SIZE=+1\>

Why not?

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Re: MS Word-style pattern works in Word 2016, not TextPipe v9.9.

Post by dfhtextpipe »

TextPipe is designed to process Unicode text files - not MS Word documents.

The search feature in MS Word has many pattern types that are foreign to TextPipe.

It's not clear why you assumed otherwise.

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Re: MS Word-style pattern works in Word 2016, not TextPipe v9.9.

Post by DataMystic Support »

Hi Jerry,

The MS Word pattern option should work fine when used on text documents - it basically converts the Word-style pattern to the underlying parttern engine that we use.

However, as David pointed out, it won't work on word documents as they are not text. Are you using it on text files or Word documents?
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Re: MS Word-style pattern works in Word 2016, not TextPipe v9.9.

Post by apportum »

The pattern was developed in Word 2016.

The files it is being run against in TextPipe are text files.

Here is the pattern as developed in Word 2016:

\<html\>\<head\>\<title\>*\<CENTER\>\<B\>\<FONT SIZE=+1\>

Here is the text it is intended to locate:

= = = = = = = = = =

<html><head><title>CM/ECF LIVE-Query Attorneys</title>
document.cookie="PacerSession=RzUxDGPaGr3KOnqeeOjRPLaPNu0piEWWNk7zHGO5T5oodlAVxZbnt69Htqo8Q2i0M7LY4kMxDe3VYLNHnEGnWP9yUds0IJTrT6b7HXJvfGuv78jrxQsVS5mJCQgdsLOF; path=/;; secure;";
if ("".length > 0) {
document.cookie="; secure;";
if ("PacerPref=receipt=Y; path=/;".length > 0) {
document.cookie="PacerPref=receipt=Y; path=/;; secure;";
if ("".length > 0) {
document.cookie="; secure;";
if ("".length > 0) {
document.cookie="; secure;";
if ("".length > 0) {
</SCRIPT><script type="text/javascript">if (top!=self) {top.location.replace(location.href);}</script><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/default.css"><script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/core.js"></script><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/print.css" media="print"><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></head><body BGCOLOR=F5F5F5 TEXT=000000 onLoad='SetFocus()'><div class="noprint"><div id="topmenu" class="yuimenubar"><div class="bd"><img src="../graphics/cmecf-logo.gif" class="cmecfLogo" id="cmecfLogo" alt="CM/ECF" title="" /><img src="../graphics/menubar-help.gif" class="helpImage" id="helpImage" alt="?" title="" onMouseOver="CMECF.MainMenu.helpImageOn()" onMouseOut="CMECF.MainMenu.helpImageOff()" /><ul class="first-of-type"><li class="yuimenubaritem" style="margin-left:1%"><a class="yuimenubaritemlabel" href=""><u>Q</u>uery</a></li><li class="yuimenubaritem" style="margin-left:1%"><a class="yuimenubaritemlabel" href="">Reports</a></li><li class="yuimenubaritem" style="margin-left:1%"><a class="yuimenubaritemlabel" href=""><u>U</u>tilities</a></li><li class="yuimenubaritem" style="margin-left:1%"><a class="yuimenubaritemlabel" href=""><u>L</u>ogout</a></li></ul></div></div></div><script type="text/javascript">if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")==-1){window.setTimeout(CMECF.MainMenu.createMenu, 0);}else{CMECF.util.Event.addListener(window, "load", CMECF.MainMenu.createMenu);}</script><div id="cmecfMainContent"><input type="hidden" id="cmecfMainContentScroll" value="0"><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
var IsForm = false;
var FirstField;
function SetFocus() {
if(IsForm) {
if(FirstField) {
var ind = FirstField.indexOf('document.',0);
if(ind == 0)
var Code = "document.forms[0]."+FirstField+".focus();";
} else {
var Cnt = 0;
while(document.forms[0].elements[Cnt] != null) {
try {
if(document.forms[0].elements[Cnt].type != "hidden" &&
!document.forms[0].elements[Cnt].disabled &&
!document.forms[0].elements[Cnt].readOnly) {
catch(e) {}
Cnt += 1;

= = = = = = = = = =

It works in Word 2016 against a text file, but not in TextPipe running a Replace operation.

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Re: MS Word-style pattern works in Word 2016, not TextPipe v9.9.

Post by apportum »

DFH wrote:TextPipe is designed to process Unicode text files - not MS Word documents.

The search feature in MS Word has many pattern types that are foreign to TextPipe.

It's not clear why you assumed otherwise.


I find your responsive offensive.

You are making an entirely unwarranted and incorrect assumption that I am processing Word files. I am not. I am running against text files.

I've been a TextPipe user for many years and have had the occasional query and the responses have been warm and collegial.

I regret that the attitude of DataMystic toward its heretofore loyal users has changed.

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Re: MS Word-style pattern works in Word 2016, not TextPipe v9.9.

Post by DataMystic Support »

Hi Jerry,

David does not work for DataMystic.

The problem with the pattern is that the '+' sign needs to be escaped in the same way as the < and >


Code: Select all

\<html\>\<head\>\<title\>*\<CENTER\>\<B\>\<FONT SIZE=\+1\>
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Re: MS Word-style pattern works in Word 2016, not TextPipe v9.9.

Post by apportum »

Thank you.

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