Spurious edit field half under the menu bar

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Spurious edit field half under the menu bar

Post by dfhtextpipe »

Yet another crazy GUI fault.

TextPipe v10.0.4 has a spurious edit field half under the menu bar about 203 mm from the left edge of the main program window.
Only the bottom half of the field is displayed. The top half is hidden by the menu bar. It's about 8mm wide.
You can place the cursor in it and use the keyboard.

This appears only when the Ribbon is minimised!
It's there even when there's no filter open. See screenshot below.

I think it's a bug - as there's clearly no intended functionality connected with it.
Screenshot shwoing spurious edit field.
Screenshot shwoing spurious edit field.
Screenshot 2016-11-21 19.20.42.png (55.69 KiB) Viewed 6889 times
On my PC, the image preview shows the spurious field about 182mm from the left.

David Haslam
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Re: Spurious edit field half under the menu bar

Post by DataMystic Support »

Thanks - we've found this and have removed it.
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Re: Spurious edit field half under the menu bar

Post by dfhtextpipe »

It has been fixed. Thanks.

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