Spurious too many copies error message

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Spurious too many copies error message

Post by dfhtextpipe »

TextPipe Standard 10.0.6 x32 installed. Windows 7 x64 Toshiba Satellite C650.

I already had one filter open from a previously completed task.

In Windows Explorer, I selected a file, and used the Windows Shell facility to launch another TextPipe filter on it.

TextPipe wouldn't allow it to run. Error message dialog appeared.
Too many copies message
Too many copies message
Screenshot 2016-12-25 16.39.17.png (25.97 KiB) Viewed 5038 times
I have one system. I have one license. Why the error message?
This is flawed. I should be able to run a filter from the Shell while I have TextPipe already open.
It should have opened the required filter as a file within the existing instance of TextPipe.

This was never a problem before TextPipe version 10. It looks like a new software bug. Please fix this asap.

Best regards,

David Haslam
Posts: 990
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Re: Spurious too many copies error message

Post by dfhtextpipe »

Hi Simon,

This issue was fixed as noted in your email.


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