Suggestion for new filter 'Add Match Numbers'

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Suggestion for new filter 'Add Match Numbers'

Post by dfhtextpipe »

The Add Line Numbers filter is already very useful.

In principle, the notion can be generalised to Add Match Numbers for pattern matching.
Add Line Numbers is then equivalent to matching the PCRE pattern

Code: Select all

for the Start of Line and adding the serial numbers just before the match position.

I therefore suggest this useful addition to the set of Add filters.

Best regards,

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Re: Suggestion for new filter 'Add Match Numbers'

Post by DataMystic Support »

Can't you already achieve this with line numbers as a subfilter of a pattern match?
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Re: Suggestion for new filter 'Add Match Numbers'

Post by dfhtextpipe »

Can't you already achieve this with line numbers as a subfilter of a pattern match?
Only if you first make each instance of the pattern start a new line!

Aside: The requirement first arose for numbering unnumbered footnote tags.

My suggestion obviates that necessity.

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