The Restrict to lines filter help page includes:
IMHO, the terminology is confusing in your use of "to end of [the] line" when you really mean "to end of [the] file" or merely "end line".Specification
The lines can be specified in a number of ways. See Field specifications.
You can separate line numbers with spaces or commas, and ranges with ..
1. Start line, end line. This processes all lines including and between the specified lines. e.g. 1..7
2. Start line, width. Processes lines starting from (and including) line Start. e.g. 10 .. +3 processes 3 lines starting from line 10.
3. End line, width. Processes Width lines backwards starting from (and including) line End. e.g. -4 .. +3 processes 3 lines starting from 4 lines before the end of the line.
4. Start line to end of line. Processes all lines from the Start line to the very end of the line. e.g 5 .. -2 processes lines starting from line 5, and stopping 2 lines from the end of the line.
5. Width to end of line. Processes Width lines backwards starting from (and including) the last line e.g. -10 .. +2 processes 2 lines starting from the line 10 before the end of the line.
This filter only allows a single range to be specified.
Aside: It was much easier to program the older UI for this filter. The UI change was not an improvement.
Please review the help text for this and similar filters that use a line range.
Best regards,
is also confusing, as TextPipe does not process these lines in reverse order.Processes Width lines backwards