Editing shell extensions table - autosize rows & columns

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Editing shell extensions table - autosize rows & columns

Post by dfhtextpipe »

Please would you consider adding a feature to autosize the cell sizes for the shell extensions table.
It's annoying that it always opens with some default minimum size, and has to be manually adjusted to become readable.

While I'm on the subject, it would be nice to have a sort feature for the table.
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Post by DataMystic Support »

Thanks for your suggestions David - we'll add them to the list for future versions. It sounds like you use the shell extensions a lot! Can you tell me the type of functions you've added - perhaps we can add them to the standard install?
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My context menu options ....

Post by dfhtextpipe »

Hi Simon.

Most of my context menu options are very specific to my hobby activities with Go Bible Creator. Useful for repeat tasks for work towards different modules.

The only one that isn't is called Remove blanks. You could easily construct one like that to include by default in future releases.

Best regards,

David Haslam
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Re: Editing shell extensions table - autosize rows & columns

Post by dfhtextpipe »

Still no autosizing of rows and columns, even in version 8.4. :(

Have you forgotten this item?

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Re: Editing shell extensions table - autosize rows & columns

Post by DataMystic Support »

That's next David - we had some big internal changes to sort out. It should be ready soon - but we needed to get a major release out.
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Re: Editing shell extensions table - autosize rows & columns

Post by dfhtextpipe »

Dear Simon,

I see you got round to implementing this in 8.4.1, so I am very pleased. :D
Well done!

Best regards,
David Haslam
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Re: Editing shell extensions table - autosize rows & columns

Post by DataMystic Support »

No worries David :-)

Next we will get the installer working properly...
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