Relative paths option for the location of replace lists?

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Relative paths option for the location of replace lists?

Post by dfhtextpipe »

If you share TextPipe filters with other people, and some of your filters contain references to replace list files, the recipients either have to replicate the same directory structure as yourself, or they have to modify their filters to adjust the path for these external replace list files.

Would it not be an enhancement to provide an option to specify the location of these files by means of a relative path instead of an absolute path?
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Post by DataMystic Support »

You already can. Note that the path is relative to the current path when TextPipe was started.
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But the current path could be anywhere!

Post by dfhtextpipe »

Hi Simon,

If you launch TextPipe from the Explorer shell context menu, the "current path" could be anywhere. It depends what files you wish to process, and where they happen to be.

Did you really mean "relative to the current path when TextPipe was started", or "relative to the path where the current filter is located" ?

Best regards,
David Haslam
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Post by DataMystic Support »

It definitely is relative to where TextPipe is started from from, not where the filter comes from, although the latter would be far more useful. I'll put it on the todo list.
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Post by dfhtextpipe »

Hi Simon,

Thanks for recognizing the opportunity for an improvement. 8)

I am glad I asked. :)

Best regards,
David Haslam
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Re: Relative paths option for the location of replace lists?

Post by dfhtextpipe »

Hi Simon,

Did this improvement ever get implemented?

Best regards,

David Haslam
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Re: Relative paths option for the location of replace lists?

Post by DataMystic Support »

It was implemented - but not for search/replace lists. We've just added it for 8.4.1.
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Re: Relative paths option for the location of replace lists?

Post by dfhtextpipe »

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Re: Relative paths option for the location of replace lists?

Post by alnico »

Relative paths seem to be limited and not work as expected...

Putting a simple filename (no path) in the Filename field(s) works as expected, i.e. 'myfile.txt'.
But, I need to create folders for many types of output and grab input from folders as well, thus...
Inserting a path such as this: '\output\myfile.txt' does not work as expected. I would assume it would create a folder where my *.fll exists ('[fllPath]\output\myfile.txt'). Instead it creates c:\output\myfile.txt (not good as this could inadvertently overwrite important/system files if the naming was just right).


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Re: Relative paths option for the location of replace lists?

Post by DataMystic Support »

It works precisely as expected Brent!

If you want it relative to the current directory, use

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Re: Relative paths option for the location of replace lists?

Post by alnico »

Ah yes, it does work as expected, thanks for clarify Simon.

However, the Help files are not clear about it's usage and the two main filters do not mention it at all (Files to Process, Output Filter).

Maybe the original Help line: ("A path can be specified relative to the current filter path.") could say:

"A path can be specified relative to the current filter path, i.e. file.txt or .\output\file.txt or ..\output\file.txt"

Also, clicking on the 'open folder' icon for a relative path does not open the location where that file resides.

I guess I was a little confused because TextPipe file paths seem to follow two out of the three standard HTML path conventions (#1 and #3, but has its own convention for #2).

1. links in the same directory as the page file have no path information listed: file.html
2. sub-directories are listed without any preceding slashes: weekly/file.html
3. links up one directory are listed as: ../file.html

Ultimately I guess I don't care, as long as the Help files are clear about its implementation.


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Re: Relative paths option for the location of replace lists?

Post by DataMystic Support »

Thanks Brent - change made to the help file to clarify this.

This is exactly DOS/Windows standard relative path implementation - this will work identically for every other bit of software (e.g. notepad).

I will check the folder open button.
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Re: Relative paths option for the location of replace lists?

Post by alnico »

Thank you Simon!

Something strange has just happened...folder open button (when pointing to a relative path) now seems to work.
Path convention 'folder\filename.txt' which I tested a couple of days ago did not work ; but now seems to work (is this a supported convention?).
The Help file for filter "Inside filename" pointed to an old help file...I then searched the Help and found the "Inside filename" Help page (which I think you renamed). I then went back to the filter and clicked on the Help and it opened the right Help file "Inside filename"???

This is very strange...almost like things were my computer possessed ;-)

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Re: Relative paths option for the location of replace lists?

Post by alnico »

If I open a fll file from a previous version of TP...

Does the newer TP update/convert all filters, names and Help links, etc? I am assuming, Yes.
If Yes, if I DO NOT save the updated fll file, I am guessing it retains the old TP settings...and would be updated every time it is opened.
Is there any disadvantage of not saving the updated fll file?

I was thinking, maybe this had to do with the strange issues mentioned above?

Can you clarify?

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Re: Relative paths option for the location of replace lists?

Post by dfhtextpipe »

Are relative paths relative to where the filter is stored, or relative to where the input files are stored?

Is there a way for the user to choose which?

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