Invalid Floating Point Operation

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Invalid Floating Point Operation

Post by johnnyjohnny »

I'm currently using TextPipe to sort a csv-table numerically. Unfortunately the file is rather large (ca. 80 MB) and when I try to process the file, TextPipe usually stops at around 27MB with the error message "Invalid floating point operation". Can't TextPipe handle such big files? Is there a possible workaround?

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Re: Invalid Floating Point Operation

Post by DataMystic Support »

Hi Johnny,

1) Sounds like there is an invalid numeric value in the file which is causing the error, although this should not happen. We tested it here with invalid numeric values and it doesn't give an error, so I wonder what data you have.
.....We were finally able to get it to error out on data like

We've now added a check for this for the next version.

2) Set the Sort\Maximum memory to use to 100MB.
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