FileWatcher script using AbsoluteTools sendmail CMD

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FileWatcher script using AbsoluteTools sendmail CMD

Post by DataMystic Support »

This script should be placed in a file sendmail_abspdf.bat, and File Watcher's command field pointed at this file.

This tool is available from AbsolutePDF - see ... 76125.html

Code: Select all

AbsTools_SenMail_CMD.exe -O -f -r recipient@email.address -A %1 -s "FileWatcher EMail" -t "See Attachment" -h "<h1>See attachment</h1>"
Command line
AbsTools_SendMail_CMD.exe <switches>

-U user User (to unlock the application)

-C company Company (to unlock the application)

-K key Activation key (to unlock the application)

[mandatory together to unlock the application]
-f sender_addr Sender address

-r recipient_list Comma separated recipient list

-O smtp_server Outgoing (SMTP) server (depends on your provider)

-u smtp_user SMTP AUTH user (depends on your provider, optional)

-p smtp_password SMTP AUTH password (depends on your provider, optional)

-D demo_file saves the email to a .eml file instead of sending it (if you use this parameter smtp server will be ignored)

[mandatory together to send an email]

-s subject Email subject

-C cc_list Comma separated cc recipient list

-B bcc_list Comma separated bcc recipient list

-R address Reply-to address

-t txt_message Text version of message body

-h html_message HTML version of message body

-T txt_ext_mess Pathname of external file for text message body

-H html_ext_mess Pathname of external file for HTML message body

-A attachment_lst Comma separated list of attachment file pathnames

-F n_cols Reformat text message body to n_cols columns

Silent (no output to stdout, save for errors)

-P params_file External parameters file
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