ExcelPipe Error: RPC Server Unavailable

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ExcelPipe Error: RPC Server Unavailable

Post by egurry »

Hi. I am having trouble using ExcelPipe 5.0.2 on a Windows 7 Ultimate x64 machine with Office 2010. I have a large excel workbook (approx 8 MB) that I am trying to perform a search/replace on using ExcelPipe, and it isn't working.

If I close Excel, open ExcelPipe, enter my find/replace terms, select "Look In" (using Cells and Defined Names) and then F9, the dialog box comes up and progress begins. But then I get an error that Excel is not responding and I should switch to it. However, Excel isn't showing up as an open application, although it is listed in the task manager as a running process. Eventually, either I click the restart button or ExcelPipe automatically restarts Excel, the progress completes, but no changes are made to the file. I get the following error message:

C:\Users\xxxxxx\Documents\xxxxx\xxxxxx.xlsm worksheet:0 term:nil-The RPC server is unavailable
Microsoft Excel restarted, reinit commencing

I have tried this numerous times on different computers with the same result. I also tried saving the file as an xlsx file, same result.

I then doing everything the same but leaving Excel open in the background when I hit F9. Now the progress completes without errors, but the file is not changed. The Files Changed tab is blank, and the Files Not Changed tab lists my file with no additional comments.

Any help appreciated, thanks.
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Re: ExcelPipe Error: RPC Server Unavailable

Post by DataMystic Support »

If you check 'Leave Microsoft Excel visible' then you can see if there are any dialog boxes popping up from MS Excel, by Alt-Tabbing to it.

Other than that, it sounds like you have set ExcelPipe to kill MS Excel if it takes too long (hence the RPC server is unavailableMicrosoft Excel restarted error).

Have you manually verified that the terms in your search/replace list actually exist in your .xls? If so, please send us the file and the list.
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Re: ExcelPipe Error: RPC Server Unavailable

Post by egurry »

Thanks for the reply Simon.

I have confirmed that my search term exists in the file's Defined Names.

I have tried checking the Leave Excel Visible button. I have also tried setting the Restart Excel Automatically box to both 0 and 180. But in either case, just a few seconds after the "unresponsive" dialog box comes up, it disappears and the scan completes. Excel displays no dialog boxes. Even if I click Wait, the scan still completes in seconds.

There is no more error now, though. Just a link to the help file in the Files Changed tab, and the path & filename of my file in the Files Not Changed tab.

I can send you my file for evaluation if you'd like. Is there a secure way to do that?
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Re: ExcelPipe Error: RPC Server Unavailable

Post by DataMystic Support »

Please use our supprot form on the site - feel free to compress the file with a password and send the password separately.

Any documents we handle are in the strictest confidence.
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Re: ExcelPipe Error: RPC Server Unavailable

Post by egurry »

Thanks Simon. I tried to upload my file using the support form but the upload failed, with error "The file size of 0 is larger than your allowed upload size". The archive file is around 8MB. Can you send me details on uploading via FTP, or some other method?

And in case I forget, here is the password for the archive that will be uploaded:
(Yes, I know that this is a public forum, but it's a single-use password and the file is being sent separately, so I don't care if the password is public.)
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Re: ExcelPipe Error: RPC Server Unavailable

Post by DataMystic Support »

Hi - please setup an account at http://www.DetachPipe.com to send it to us
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Re: ExcelPipe Error: RPC Server Unavailable

Post by egurry »

I tried to set up an account, but getting an error that says "The email address is too short. Please use your browser's back button and try again."

My email address is 21 characters, seems like a bizarre error.
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Re: ExcelPipe Error: RPC Server Unavailable

Post by DataMystic Support »

Thanks, fixed the DetachPipe error (and created an account for you). Will checkout the download you sent earlier.
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Re: ExcelPipe Error: RPC Server Unavailable

Post by egurry »

Okay, now I'm able to log into DetachPipe, but when I try to upload a file I get the following error:

Error - file size (7.9 MB) is larger than your maximum upload size (5 MB).
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Re: ExcelPipe Error: RPC Server Unavailable

Post by DataMystic Support »

Ok - changed this to 10MB for you.
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Re: ExcelPipe Error: RPC Server Unavailable

Post by egurry »

Thanks, file is uploaded.
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Re: ExcelPipe Error: RPC Server Unavailable

Post by egurry »

Hi Simon. Just wondering if there is any update on this? Thanks.
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Re: ExcelPipe Error: RPC Server Unavailable

Post by DataMystic Support »

Sorry - annual holidays have arrived. Our office re-opens on the 30th Jan, so we will investigate this issue then for you.
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Re: ExcelPipe Error: RPC Server Unavailable

Post by DataMystic Support »

Hi Eric,

We tried running this here with ExcelPipe 5.0.5 against MS Excel 2003. The file opened (after a conversion popup window), and it took a long time to make any changes. I recommend setting the 'Restart MS Excel if unresponsive for this many seconds' to at least 60 seconds.

What search terms did you use?
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