Rename by Search and replace inside filenames

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Rename by Search and replace inside filenames

Post by DataMystic Support »

If you want to rename files just by searching and replacing in the filename, all you need to do is:

1. Add a Restrict\Restrict to filename filter
2. Add one or more search/replaces inside this filter as subfilters. They get run BEFORE the file is open for processing.

Using this filter, you can rename files, change their folders, UPPERCASE or lowercase the filenames, search and replace parts of the filename and much more!

Now, the output filename is set before the file contents are processed, so while it is possible to uppercase or search/replace inside the filename, it's not possible to import an external value into it. The reason for this is that the output file so far (ie temp file) MUST be placed in the correct folder (and/or on the correct output drive/device) rather than the system having to move or copy it afterwards with ensuing problems of access rights and disk space.

To do this, you need to generate a file renaming list - viewtopic.php?f=17&t=2132
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