Code: Select all
Code: Select all
It's designed to work with the data in CSV field 1.
Code: Select all
Restrict fields:1 Comma-delimited fields starting at field 1
| [X] Process fields individually
| [X] Exclude delimiter
| [X] Exclude quotes (if present)
| Delimiter Type: 0
| Custom delimiter:
| [ ] Has Header
+--EasyPattern [E[ capture( longest 1+ digits ) ]] with [$1]
| [X] Match case
| [ ] Whole words only
| [ ] Case sensitive replace
| [ ] Prompt on replace
| [ ] Skip prompt if identical
| [ ] First only
| [ ] Extract matches
| Maximum text buffer size 4096
+--VBScript script Timeout: 10000 milliseconds
'This example script keeps a line counter that
'does not reset for each file
'Our line counter
dim zeroes
'Called for every line in the file
'EOL contains the end of line characters (Unix, DOS or Mac) that must be
'appended to each line
function processLine(count, EOL)
zeroes = ""
for i = 1 to count
zeroes = zeroes + "0"
processLine = zeroes & EOL
end function
sub startJob()
end sub
sub endJob()
'do nothing
end sub
function startFile()
startFile = ""
end function
function endFile()
endFile = ""
end function