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Why isn't it extracting the phone numbers?

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 1:18 am
by trpaquette
I'm using the EasyPattern filter in textpipe pro and applying it to a .txt file that contains the html code from a page. Within this document it contains as an example the following code:

<A class="phoneNumber" href=" ... onto%2C+ON#" alt="Call" title="Free Call. Click the phone number to be contacted via phone by the business." onclick="javascript: openWin('/amurl/2851529/00135600/hair%252Bsalon/Toronto%25252C%252BON?', '680', '425');" rel="nofollow" name="&lid=free_call&lpos=in_listing_left" onmousedown="_hbSet('cv.c2','1294800_lpp|free_call_hair salon');_hbSet('cv.c3','00135600|107554');_hbSet('cv.c17','hair salon_Toronto ON|l_y');_hbSet('cv.c18','hair salon_Toronto ON|l_1');_hbSend();">

As a test I entered the following into the Find EasyPattern field and made sure Extract Matches was ticked:

[3 digits, punctuation, 3 digits, punctuation, 4 digits]

Nothing is being extracted into the output file that I have specified. Shouldn't it have detected the phone number 416-260-2875 and extracted it? It seems to comply with the syntax I have entered..

Re: Why isn't it extracting the phone numbers?

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 3:59 pm
by DataMystic Support
Did you place

Code: Select all

in the Replace With field