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Replacing Carriage Returns?

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 12:57 am
by bpobiak
I'm trying to do a simple replace list starting with finding the CR- in my Hex Editor it shows as 013.

Setting Easy Pattern then perl then exact as the Find Type, I've tried [cr],[return],\013,\n,[CRLF] and any other reference I can find in your documentation and it errors: Find String for "Replace list ......" is blank.
for that first line item.

What is the proper procedure? What am I doing wrong?

Here is my trial data from the top of the file:

Aberdeen Angus. See Gettysburg farm: Aberdeen Angus cattle
Aberdeen Angus Association, conflict of interest regarding, 682 - 84
Abilene. See Kansas: Abilene
Abilene Foundation. See Eisenhower Foundation for the Promotion of Citizenship
Abilene Museum. See Eisenhower Museum
Abilene Reflector-Chronicle, 1944 - 45
Acheson, Dean Gooderham: background, 1133; and defense-budget controversy, 1415 - 16; on foreign policy of, 1150 - 51; and Green's letter, 1131 - 33
Ackers, Deane Emmett: on Adams, 1428 - 29; background, 1429; on Congress, 1428 - 29; on controlling inflation, 1428 - 29; on economy and budget, 1428 - 29, 1553; on 1960 election, 1553; and Nixon, 1553; scores Rockefeller, 1553
Active Citizens for Eisenhower, 484
Act of BogotĀ , 2086 - 88
ADA-CIO. See Americans for Democratic Action; Congress of Industrial Organizations
Adams, Arthur Stanton, 968 - 69
Adams, John, publication of papers of, 937 - 38
Adams, John Quincy, publication of papers of, 937 - 38
Adams, Rachel Leona (White): background, 188 - 91; enjoys skiing, 2225 - 26
Adams, Sherman ("Sherm"): accepts favors from Goldfine, 957, 960, 1089 - 91; Ackers scores, 1428 - 29; admires Bavarian church, 2225 - 26; on appointment for Cooper, 830; on appointments to Civil Rights Commission, 392 - 94; on appointment to Civil Service Commission, 1036 - 37; on appointment for Luce, 518; and attacks on, 957, 960, 1001 - 2, 1033, 1089 - 91; attends dinner honoring Elizabeth II, 499 - 500; and Benson on dairy price supports, 787 - 89; birthday wishes to, 648; and Bohemian Grove, 350 - 51; on Cabinet invitation protocol, 499 - 500; and Cisler as Secretary of Defense, 289; and civil rights issues, 1007 - 13; on Civil War Commission, 587 - 88; on crisis at Little Rock, 460 - 61; Cutler's esteem for, 1128 - 29; and Development Loan Fund, 183 - 84; on dinner for Coty, 188 - 91; Edgar E.'s criticism of, 152 - 53; on E.'s Cabinet appointments, 1256 - 58; E.'s esteem for, 501, 648, 734, 957, 960, 1089 - 91, 1128 - 29, 1428 - 29; esteem of, for E., 2225 - 26; on favoritism for E.'s friends, family, 33; Forbes's protest, 482 - 83; on foreign affairs speech drafts, 1026; and Frost, 881 - 82; on Gettysburg office for E., 681 - 82; good wishes to, 1563 - 64; and GOP, 396 - 99; and Hoover Commission Report, 199 - 200; House investigates Adams-Goldfine relationship, 960; Hughes considers return to government, 171 - 72; on ICA's Bolivia program, 1019 - 20; invites Es. to Parmachenee Lake, 413; and Jackson's role on mutual security program, 154 - 55, 768 - 69; on job prospects, 1239 - 40; known as "The Rock," 501; on Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission, 587 - 88; media "crucifies," 1007 - 13; meets with E., 1239 - 40; meets with E., Faubus, 481 - 82; and message to Wallace, 242 - 43; and midterm elections, 1089 - 91, 1100; and minerals stabilization plan, 889 - 90; and Mitchell's memo on budget, economy, 621 - 22; and Mitchell's plan on human resources, 85 - 86; on 1960 election, 2136; and Nixon as congressional foreign policy liaison, 410 - 12; and oil import quotas, 758 - 59; on People-to-People program, 364 - 66, 684 - 85; Persons succeeds, 2189 - 95; on post for Hendrickson, 357; on post for Jackson, 695 - 96; on presidential disability, 711 - 14; on publicity for young Republicans, 524 - 25; publishes memoir, 1239 - 40, 1256 - 58, 2225 - 26; questions for E., 1256 - 58; Republicans add fuel to flame, 957; and Republican spirit of hopelessness, 1089 - 91; resigns, 1116 - 17, 1127, 1128 - 29, 1239 - 40, 1563 - 64; sends birthday wishes, 2136; and Simpson, 518; and skiing, 1239 - 40, 2225 - 26; on Strauss's rejection, 1563 - 64; on Thye and dairy situation in Minnesota, 693 - 94; on Trade Agreements Extension bill, 661 - 62; and vacancy on SEC, 109 - 10; on wheat disposal program, 40 - 42; on White House appointments, 396 - 99; and wool tariff issue, 265 - 67; writes memoir, 1253 - 54
Aden, (British) Colony of, British difficulties in, 102, 104

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 1:46 pm
by DataMystic Support
The problem is not the file or the find type - it is the way you are using the search/replace list.

Is the top entry blank? Are any rows blank?