Script to create folders every 500 files
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:07 am
In FileWatcher, specify the command as
and the parameters as
Set FileWatcher to watch c:\incoming
If you edit the .vbs file, you can alter the number of files per folder (default 500), the incoming folder (default c:\incoming), and the base name of new output folders created (default c:\doc).
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Your Path\Group files by 500.vbs
If you edit the .vbs file, you can alter the number of files per folder (default 500), the incoming folder (default c:\incoming), and the base name of new output folders created (default c:\doc).
Code: Select all
'FileWatcher script - move files to a new folder
Option Explicit
const incoming = "c:\incoming"
const maxfiles = 500
'this is the base filename, e.g. c:\doc01, c:\doc02, c:\doc03 ...
const folderbase = "c:\doc"
dim fso
dim files
dim folder
Function getNewFolder()
'find an unused folderbase name
dim number
number = 1
'does it exist already?
msgbox folderbase + CStr(number)
if not fso.folderExists( folderbase + CStr(number) ) then
msgbox "creating " + folderbase + CStr(number)
fso.createFolder folderbase + CStr(number)
getNewFolder = folderbase + CStr(number)
Exit Function
end if
'already exists, try again
number = number + 1
end Function
'move up to maxfiles files to a new folder
sub moveFiles( files, newFolder )
dim filename
msgbox "Moving to " + newFolder
dim count
count = 0
For each filename In files
msgbox filename
fso.MoveFile filename, newFolder + "\"
count = count + 1
if count >= maxfiles then
Exit Sub
end if
end sub
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Count files in incoming folder
Set folder = fso.GetFolder(incoming)
Set files = folder.Files
if files.count > maxfiles then
moveFiles files, getNewFolder()
end if
Set fso = Nothing