end of line, carriage return
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 8:45 am
I have data in notepad, but would like to know how do I identify the carriage return, as I would like to place all onto one line?
like below
ALPINA S.P.A. *Piazza Velasca 5* 20122 *Milano*MI*TELEFAX* 02/8690963
i.e. actual data given below
Piazza Velasca 5 - 20122 Milano (MI)
TELEFAX 02/8690963
like below
ALPINA S.P.A. *Piazza Velasca 5* 20122 *Milano*MI*TELEFAX* 02/8690963
i.e. actual data given below
Piazza Velasca 5 - 20122 Milano (MI)
TELEFAX 02/8690963