ManageBGL 1.9 - Protein/Fat modelling
Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 1:42 pm
TAG-style modelling of protein and fat
Points system
Added Contour USB meter handling
Added OneTouch import where column headers are missing
In charts, sensor data now has thinner line, BGLs and predictions have thicker lines
Coaching Basal warnings only if below or above target
Modelling of renal threshold for Type 2 and honeymooning Type-1s
Height and weight changes now work properly for Imperial measurements
Chart high and low range now work properly for mg/dl measurements
Changed BGL range to 1.0 to 57mmol
Ratio and settings version management
Skype and phone linking in footer
Dex Import prevent import of many null values
OneTouch Import now detects data format and BGL measurement automatically, and copes with missing header data
Fixed modelling Monotard, HumalogMix25, Protophane, Novolog insulins
Extended log display and key, with at least 2 full days
Log display now shows all Notes just in notes area, not using type column
Log screen now copes with editing insulin logs that the user does not have anymore
Insulin increment setting for rounding up or down
Fixed iphone screen
Basal rate screen changes
DOB and gender now skipped at signup. Fixed signup dropping measurement unit
Points system
Added Contour USB meter handling
Added OneTouch import where column headers are missing
In charts, sensor data now has thinner line, BGLs and predictions have thicker lines
Coaching Basal warnings only if below or above target
Modelling of renal threshold for Type 2 and honeymooning Type-1s
Height and weight changes now work properly for Imperial measurements
Chart high and low range now work properly for mg/dl measurements
Changed BGL range to 1.0 to 57mmol
Ratio and settings version management
Skype and phone linking in footer
Dex Import prevent import of many null values
OneTouch Import now detects data format and BGL measurement automatically, and copes with missing header data
Fixed modelling Monotard, HumalogMix25, Protophane, Novolog insulins
Extended log display and key, with at least 2 full days
Log display now shows all Notes just in notes area, not using type column
Log screen now copes with editing insulin logs that the user does not have anymore
Insulin increment setting for rounding up or down
Fixed iphone screen
Basal rate screen changes
DOB and gender now skipped at signup. Fixed signup dropping measurement unit