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EmailPipe Access Violation Error Windows 7

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 1:52 am
by qbutler
Just installed Email Pipe on a Windows 7 64bit machine. After the install completed the program displayed an Access Violation Error. Each time the program is launched or closed it continues to throw a Access Violation error message.

I have tried installing and running the program explicitly using run as Administrator. Also a tried running and installing in Windows XP compatibility mode. Tried turning off DEP and installing. To no avail, as I continue to get the Access Violation Error Message.

The site states that the products are all Windows 7 32bit and 64bit compatible.

I have contacted support twice regarding this issue, but have not received an response.

If anyone has any idea or suggestions on how I an get this application to work as expected it would be appreciated.
Error Message
Error Message

Re: EmailPipe Access Violation Error Windows 7

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 8:05 am
by DataMystic Support
We've just released a v2.3 update to fix this error, and to update the installer,