How to add a new filter to TextPipe's Explorer Extension

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How to add a new filter to TextPipe's Explorer Extension

Post by DataMystic Support »

Here's how to add a new Windows Explorer right-click menu extension for TextPipe's Convert ANSI to UTF-8 filter.

It will work for all selected files and folders.

1. Save your filter to C:\Users\<your login>\Documents\DataMystic\TextPipe\TaskMenu\Convert ANSI to UTF-8.fll

2. In TextPipe, go to Tools\Customize Shell Extensions

3. Add a new row at the end, set as follows:

a. Menu Name: Convert ANSI to UTF-8
b. Comment: Converts selected files from ANSI to UTF-8
c. Filter filename: C:\Users\<your login>\Documents\DataMystic\TextPipe\TaskMenu\Convert ANSI to UTF-8.fll
d. Command: /i- "/f=%f" %p /g /q

4. Click Ok

5. Close TextPipe, and you should now have a new 'TextPipe' right-click menu in Windows Explorer
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