ManageBGL 3.1 release
Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 11:58 pm
The two types of sharing - Health Care Professional sharing and EZsharing, are now on different screens
Added drug and alcohol abuse link to the resources
File import can now specify the date format rather than rely on auto-detection, which can fail if the data is for the earlier part of the year
CareLink import can now import temporary basal data
mySugr - fixed import of temporary basal %
Fixed in-place editing of hours/minutes when not on the log edit screen
Added drug and alcohol abuse link to the resources
File import can now specify the date format rather than rely on auto-detection, which can fail if the data is for the earlier part of the year
CareLink import can now import temporary basal data
mySugr - fixed import of temporary basal %
Fixed in-place editing of hours/minutes when not on the log edit screen