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Replace List filter - pasting text containing a tab in the replace field

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 10:47 pm
by dfhtextpipe
This is not a major issue, but still worth reporting.

Strange things can occur when you Paste from clipboard text containing more than one tab separator. e.g.
  • a b Z
where both the separators are tabs not spaces.
This displays as bZ in the Replace field, yet copying it to the clipboard shows the tab is still there.

After a Swap, the Find column ends up displaying bZ, and copying it to the clipboard shows the tab is still there.
Yet pasting this back from the clipboard, results in b in the Find field and Za in the Replace field.

I guess this is wholly logical, but it is something the filter design has not really anticipated.

Something to consider?:
After a Paste from clipboard, converting any such extra tabs into the pattern \t in the Replace field.



Re: Replace List filter - pasting text containing a tab in the replace field

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 7:53 am
by DataMystic Support
Thanks David - I understand the issue, but I would prefer to leave the text unchanged for future copy/paste operations rather than change it to a \t. This would also happen with CSV data.