Replace List filter - pasting text containing a tab in the replace field
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 10:47 pm
This is not a major issue, but still worth reporting.
Strange things can occur when you Paste from clipboard text containing more than one tab separator. e.g.
This displays as bZ in the Replace field, yet copying it to the clipboard shows the tab is still there.
After a Swap, the Find column ends up displaying bZ, and copying it to the clipboard shows the tab is still there.
Yet pasting this back from the clipboard, results in b in the Find field and Za in the Replace field.
I guess this is wholly logical, but it is something the filter design has not really anticipated.
Something to consider?:
After a Paste from clipboard, converting any such extra tabs into the pattern \t in the Replace field.
Strange things can occur when you Paste from clipboard text containing more than one tab separator. e.g.
- a b Z
This displays as bZ in the Replace field, yet copying it to the clipboard shows the tab is still there.
After a Swap, the Find column ends up displaying bZ, and copying it to the clipboard shows the tab is still there.
Yet pasting this back from the clipboard, results in b in the Find field and Za in the Replace field.
I guess this is wholly logical, but it is something the filter design has not really anticipated.
Something to consider?:
After a Paste from clipboard, converting any such extra tabs into the pattern \t in the Replace field.