How to create new lines from field values

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How to create new lines from field values

Post by gcheak »


I am curious if this is possible with TextPipe.

I have a csv file with the following structure:

"Name","Number","Cost","Start Date","Tickets Remaining"
"SUPER DUPER BINGO", "#817","$2.00","3/24/2006","$1,000 - 40;$250 - 147;$245 - 61;$200 - 82;$195 - 92;$150 - 108;$50 - 10828"

Take a look at the last field "Tickets Remaining". That field contains a variable number of values delimited by a semicolon.

My goal is a new file with a line for every one of those values having the following structure:

"SUPER DUPER BINGO", "#817","$2.00","3/24/2006","$1,000 - 40"
"SUPER DUPER BINGO", "#817","$2.00","3/24/2006","$250 - 147"
"SUPER DUPER BINGO", "#817","$2.00","3/24/2006","$200 - 82"

Is this possible with TextPipe?

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Re: How to create new lines from field values

Post by DataMystic Support »

Sure Greg - see the sample filter Report Extraction/split out embedded fields into multiple records.fll

It looks like this:

Code: Select all

|--Input from file(s)
|--Convert End of Lines - Auto to DOS
|     [X] Remove bad EOL
|--Restrict fields:Comma-delimited field 2 .. field 9
|  |  [ ] Process fields individually
|  |    [ ] Exclude delimiter
|  |      [ ] Exclude quotes (if present)
|  |  Delimiter Type: 0
|  |  Custom delimiter: 
|  |  [ ] Has Header
|  |
|  +--Remove all
|--Restrict fields:Comma-delimited field 11 .. field 11
|  |  [ ] Process fields individually
|  |    [ ] Exclude delimiter
|  |      [ ] Exclude quotes (if present)
|  |  Delimiter Type: 0
|  |  Custom delimiter: 
|  |  [ ] Has Header
|  |
|  +--Remove all
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|--VBScript script  Timeout: 10000 milliseconds
|       dim i
|       dim m
|       dim s
|     'Called for every line in the file
|     'EOL contains the end of line characters (Unix, DOS or Mac) that must be
|     'appended to each line
|     function processLine(line, EOL)
|       s=""
|       m=split(line, ",", -1, 1)
|         for i=1 to UBound(m, 1)
|           if m(i) <> "" then
|             s = s & m(0) & "," & m(i) & EOL
|           end if
|         next 
|         processLine = s
|     end function
|     'Called at the start of a processing job -
|     'perform one-time initialisation here
|     sub startJob()
|     end sub
|     'Called at the end of a processing job -
|     'destroy any declared objects here
|     sub endJob()
|       'do nothing
|     end sub
|     'Called before each file is opened -
|     'perform per-file initialisation here
|     function startFile()
|       startFile = ""
|     end function
|     'Called before each file is closed -
|     'flush all pending file output here
|     function endFile()
|       endFile = ""
|     end function
+--Output to file(s)

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