Extract two sets of html data

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Extract two sets of html data

Post by cadalist »

I can extract one set using pattern perl and extract lines matching, but how do i extract two different lines at the same time? The output comes out blank.

I have multiple html pages that I need to extract only lines with

<font class=description><b>Specification</b>



I only need the output just for these two lines.

I forgot one thing, I have a list of part numbers I need to search html files and after I find these part #s then I need to extract the html above.

How do i do this?

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Post by DataMystic Support »

Of course the output after the second 'Extract matches' is blank, because after the first 'Extract Matches', there won't be any other lines left in the data stream. Please read the tutorial to understand better how TextPipe works.

You need to 'OR' together your two patterns e.g.

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

<font class=description><b>Specification</b>|style="font-family:arial;font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;background-color:#cccccc;color:#FFFFFF;"> 
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