This seems to me to be stating that it will look ahead X (default=4096) bytes from the current pointer for the potential match. Supposing that the desired match happens in 1024 chars, doesn't the pointer advance to the end of the successful match then look ahead for the next 4096 bytes?Changes the maximum search buffer size. If you need to match a string that is longer than 4096 bytes (4k), increase the Maximum text buffer size to be at least as large as the string you need to match.
I'm not seeing that. I have this:
Code: Select all
EasyPattern [DIVISION : DIVISION[1+ not '|']||] with []
| [ ] Match case
| [ ] Whole words only
| [ ] Case sensitive replace
| [ ] Prompt on replace
| [ ] Skip prompt if identical
| [ ] First only
| [ ] Extract matches
| Maximum text buffer size 73728
Any guesses? Any reason not to set the max match to something enormous ?